Use of stable isotopes in various branches of earth sciences has continuously increased within the country over the last decade
While limited facilities are available in one or two leading institutes in the country, majority of these data were generated
at laboratories abroad.
* Earth scientists have, therefore, realised the
lack of such facilities in India which is seriously hampering quality isotope
research in the country
* Existing facilities of stable isotope research are
insufficient to cater varied needs (including climate change) of the large number of earth scientists in the country
* To meet these requirements on national facility basis a
Gas Source Mass Spectrometer Laboratory is being set up at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur jointly by IIT and DST
* Expected to be operational within few months this will
meet the longstanding requiements of university students and researchers of earth science in India
The facility hosts a state of the art Finnigan Mat Delta
Plus XP continuous flow mass spectrometer with several peripheral equipments like Gas bench, Elemental analyser and TC-EA,
capable of analysing varied kind of geological materials including water, carbonate,sulphide/sulphate/phosphate,organic matter,
graphite, clay etc.